
A KISS fan in NY donned a costume and blasted music to clear snow from his street. Gene Simmons noticed

today16 de marzo de 2022 13

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Tommy Sedlock traded his winter coat and snow boots for silver studded bat wings and a mask donning Simmons’ signature outstretched tongue.

Tommy Sedlock’s neighbors looked out their windows Saturday morning and saw something more than just the freshly fallen snow in the village of Endicott.

The first notes of «Rock and Roll All Nite» rang out from across the street as a snow blower sprang to life and Sedlock, dressed as Gene Simmons, strode out to the sidewalk.

Tommy Sedlock traded his winter coat and snow boots for silver studded bat wings and a mask donning Simmons’ signature outstretched tongue.

«I’m a huge KISS fan,» Sedlock said. «I figured I’d entertain the neighbors and have a little fun, put a little smile on everybody’s face and make them laugh.”

A video of the local drummer’s snow clearing effort was posted on YouTube, topping 4,000 views within the first 24 hours, and even catching the attention of the rock star himself.

«Even Gene Simmons tweeted about it,» Sedlock said. «So that’s kind of cool.»

Costumed or otherwise, residents across New York’s Southern Tier shoveled out of a late winter storm Saturday, with some areas seeing a foot of snow.

Although the temperatures outside were below freezing, the cold did not bother Sedlock.

«I was having a blast,» Sedlock said. «Hopefully, this just put a smile on everybody’s face and just gave them that little step to get through these times together.»

Source: Yahoo!

Escrito por Mariola Rubilar

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